![[IMG_2267 (2).jpg]] # reshav ⟠ Call me Reshav. I'm nineteen. A founder who's fond of building internet businesses. I wrote on the internet to pay my bills before I became a marketer. Came across product growth and transitioned to become a growth generalist, worked across pre-seed to series D startups, and had some SaaS stunts of my own. I’m currently building a product & media studio at [**Radian Studio**.](https://twitter.com/radianhq) A portfolio of internet businesses, mainly productized agencies and SaaS products. I'm always on the hunt, exploring the Wild West of tech, art, and culture. I love experiencing the best things humans have created. Before I die, I wish to build something bigger than myself, something that takes us further into the Kardashev scale, and create music that reminds people of their deepest sorrow. This website is my digital garden, an attempt to document every wonderful thing I come across. Find all my notes & essays here - **[[musings]]**. Reach out on Twitter [**@pandeyreshav**](https://twitter.com/pandeyreshav). Find me on [**Instagram**](https://www.instagram.com/pandeyreshav/) or Listen to my [**Playlists**](https://open.spotify.com/user/6s69t1zdx82o8l8l6ysd6r9f9).